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4 posts tagged with "random"

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Mechanical Keyboards Compatible with macOS

· 6 min read
Software Developer @ TuSimple
Translation Tool

This article was translated by ChatGPT automatically, with minor manual corrections.

Disclaimer: This article contains no advertisements, although I do hope to get ad revenue someday.

About a month ago, I left a company where I worked for over seven years and transitioned to a new industry, starting a new job.

Because of this, I'm currently in the initial stages of various tasks and have a lot to learn. As an introvert pretending to be an extrovert, the social pressure is not insignificant. Along with previous colleagues and friends wanting to catch up and my own search for housing, I indeed haven't had much time to update my blog. Even the photos from my trip to Japan in early April have only had a few edited.

Time flies, and now it's already the latter part of the month. To avoid a gap in May, I decided to write this article.

Happy New Year 2024!

· 3 min read
Software Developer @ TuSimple
Translation Tool

This article was translated by ChatGPT automatically, with minor manual corrections.

Happy New Year, everyone, despite not having updated in quite a while, half a month flew by!

Traveling with a Travel Map

· 12 min read
Software Developer @ TuSimple
Translation Tool

This article was translated by ChatGPT automatically, with minor manual corrections.

This article used a word in Chinese: 路书 (LuShu). It has different meaning under different situation. ChatGPT translated it to "itinerary", but I think it's not accurate. However, it is only a codename, and I will explain it in the article.

Before every trip, we inevitably engage in some travel planning.

For me, the most critical part of trip planning is preparing an itinerary that includes various travel routes and schedule arrangements.

Unless our physical condition doesn't allow it, our trips generally proceed along the general direction recorded in the itinerary, although of course there are various minor adjustments according to actual conditions. Whether you want to conveniently check later segments of the route, record sights you've already visited, or adjust your path on the fly, a handy itinerary software is naturally indispensable.

I want to share some useful itinerary software for domestic and international travel based on my own experience in this article. Hopefully, they can be helpful in everyone’s next travel planning.

Here's a summary of the software I'm recommending along with some key points, but I believe most readers are more concerned about my experience in using them.

SoftwareApplicabilityPros and Cons
Google My MapsInternationalExcellent basic functions; very few additional features, average mobile usability
Gaode ItineraryDomesticAdequate basic functions, serious product and development team; somewhat rudimentary features, lacks walking navigation
expingDomesticExcellent basic and additional features, community features don't interfere, extremely user-friendly on mobile; web experience is poor and problematic Relaunching After a Decade

· 11 min read
Software Developer @ TuSimple
Translation Tool

This article was translated by ChatGPT automatically, with minor manual corrections.

For the past decade, the homepage of has always featured the following text:

Since my DreamHost hosting is out-of-date, I moved to Linode VPS. However it will take a period of time to write a new blog application and import old data. Please be patient, will come back!

Of course, there's also the bit that was added later:

Well, it's not back yet. I'm not sure when it will be back although the main part of the blog app is finished.

To be honest, I never had a clear plan for the website's relaunch. So, when it finally was about to go live again, I found myself at a loss for what to write. After all, the relaunch, much like the initial downtime, came unexpectedly.

Having not produced any new content for a long time, naturally, I want my first piece of writing upon returning to be something comfortable. So why not start with something I’m clearly familiar with—the time around the website’s shutdown ten years ago.